
HugNLP Open-source Library

HugNLP is a novel development and application library based on Hugging Face for improving the convenience and effectiveness of NLP researchers.

HugNLP consists of a hierarchical structure including models, processors and applications that unifies the learning process of pre-trained language models (PLMs) on different NLP tasks. Additionally, we present some featured NLP applications to show the effectiveness of HugNLP, such as knowledge-enhanced PLMs, ChatGPT-like model (HugCHat), universal information extraction (HugIE), low-resource mining, and code understanding and generation, etc.

EasyNLP Open-source Toolkit

EasyNLP is an easy-to-use NLP development and application toolkit in PyTorch, first released inside Alibaba in 2021. It is built with scalable distributed training strategies and supports a comprehensive suite of NLP algorithms for various NLP applications.

EasyNLP integrates knowledge distillation and few-shot learning for landing large pre-trained models, together with various popular multi-modality pre-trained models. It provides a unified framework of model training, inference, and deployment for real-world applications.

It has powered more than 10 BUs and more than 20 business scenarios within the Alibaba group. It is seamlessly integrated to Platform of AI (PAI) products, including PAI-DSW for development, PAI-DLC for cloud-native training, PAI-EAS for serving, and PAI-Designer for zero-code model training.